The Georgian architecture style is generically known as Colonial architecture. The colonial style includes Federal Colonial & Dutch Colonial architecture, French Colonial, and Spanish colonial style designs. These architectural styles arrived in the United States with the early colonists, bringing with them, the techniques and building practices of Europe. The word or term “Georgian” refers to the period of architecture in America beginning around 1700. Georgian style house plans were the dominant style of the English colonies for most of the 1700’s during the reigns of Kings George I, II, and III.
The overall features of Georgian architecture can be described as a symmetrical composition enriched by classical detail. The structural and detail aspects of Georgian house plans show distinctions among regions as do other architectural styles. Georgian home plan architecture also share a unique set of characteristics which includes one or two story boxed floor plans usually two rooms deep, windows that are symmetrically balanced (aligned horizontally and vertically – never in adjacent pairs), windows usually five-ranked on front facade, less commonly three- or seven-ranked. The windows on a Georgian house design have small panes of glass usually 9 or 12 panes per sash, paneled front door with decorative crown supported by pilasters, front door that’s uncovered or covered by porch. Other Georgian house plan features include side gable, hip, or gambrel roof on the main body of the building, a centered gable of the front facade, and cornice detail with dentil and other decorative molding. Georgian home designs are one of several colonial styles.