The dominant influences of Mediterranean architecture can be found in Spain and Italy. “Mediterranean style” is more of a umbrella term that embodies the likes of a few architectural styles. Here we will briefly cover the family of Mediterranean house plans that include the Italian Renaissance, the Mission home plan, and the Spanish Eclectic style house plan.
The Italian Renaissance, also referred to as the Tuscan style, have low-pitched roofs (usually hipped) typically covered by ceramic tiles. Other features include full-length first-story windows with radius top, wide overhanging eaves supported by decorative brackets, upper story windows usually smaller and less elaborate than the windows on the main level of this Mediterranean house plan. Common decorative details include quoins, pediment windows, classical door surrounds, molded cornices, and belt courses. Stucco or masonry walls are universal in the Mediterranean style.
The Mission architecture is identified by a shaped Mission dormer or roof parapet. The roof overhangs are wide and usually open or exposed and the wall surface is usually smooth stucco. Other features include porch roofs that’s supported by large square piers with an arched top, and red clay tile roof covering normally seen in Mediterranean style house plans.
The Spanish Eclectic style of architecture has low-pitched roofs with little or no eave overhang. Arches are prominent in windows and doors and the wall surface is normally stucco. Most Spanish Eclectic home plans are asymmetrical in its design.