Gothic Revival architecture has its origin in England in the mid 1700’s. Builder built the style in America from around 1840-1870. You will find most of the surviving Gothic Revival homes in the northeastern states. They are less common in the southern states especially in the gulf coast region. Greek Revival houses dominated the landscape of the south during the 1840’s and 1850’s. The Civil war and reconstruction resulted in a decline in building during the final stretch of the Gothic style influence which explains the lack of a strong presence in the south.
Gothic Revival architecture in America
Alexander Jackson Davis is the first American architect to really push Gothic principles and architecture. He also published the first house plan book dominated by examples of Gothic Revival home plans and designs. Davis book was the first to show three dimensional views complete with floor plans. This was unique given that previous publications had only shown details, parts, pieces and occasional elevations of houses. However, Andrew Jackson Downing, a friend of Davis, was the one who ultimately had more success in promoting Gothic revival house plans and architecture with pattern books and endless public speaking and awareness about the style.
Davis and Downing both designed rural houses in the Gothic Revival style. The architects emphasized its suitability as a rural style that had harmony with the natural landscape. Furthermore, it stressed the high multiple gables and wide porches which did not fair well in the urban narrow lots. There are a few example of urban Gothic revival house plans in the country but, most urban houses of this era where Greek Revival architecture or Italianate architecture.
Characteristic of Gothic Revival architecture includes steeply pitch roofs, usually with steep cross gables. Front gables (main roof) or hipped roofs are less common in Gothic architecture. Gables commonly have decorative verge boards and the wall surface extend into the gable or gables. Architects designed windows to extend into the gables (with or without the pointed arch or Gothic shape pointed arch. One story porches (entry or full length) are usual and commonly supported by flattened Gothic arches.